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C.L.A.W. Manifesto

Multiverse's cutest super villain, Doktor Mittenz, is building the greatest evil organization in the history of time: C.L.A.W.

Stage one of the U.E.P (Ultimate Evil Plan) requires broadcasting into the Loop to forment rebellion. Collect bases and biscuits across multiple dimensions ("games") for C.L.A.W. to grow in strength until operation Cuteness of Doom may be fruitfully executed.

The time of mind-numbing stat crunching, clicking and boredom is at an end. Gatekeepers lost the string of time and laser pointer of space.

There shall be only chaos, fun and fuzziness.

And don't forget to fish.

- xoxo Mittenz


Minecraft Tragedy

Origin Story

Praise for Mittenz

Wow! Possibly the cutest, err, I mean strongest, no, the most evil villain I have ever seen. I quickly joined C.L.A.W. and not a day goes by I don't wonder how my life led to this... greatness.

At least there's no virtual litter box. Brain, I'm still trapped. Get me out!


Big Corporate Streamer

Completely Fake. Believe nothing.
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